You would think that in 2021, workplace discrimination would have been a thing of the past. But, unfortunately, although the majority of highly developed nations have seen a dramatic change in the last few decades, the statistics show us that it is still a prevalent issue within our society.
What is gender equality and diversity in the workplace?
The idea of gender equality and diversity in the workplace aims to achieve equal opportunities for both men and women.
These equal opportunities refer to the equality that can only be achieved when, regardless of gender, workplaces can offer comparable and equal pay, the equal utilisation of both genders in the workplace, access to leadership roles, and ultimately, diminished discrimination towards a certain gender.
The statistics
In a WGEA (Workplace Gender Equality Agency) report, they state that in Australia, even today, the current Gender Pay Gap stands at 20.1%. Only 18.3% of CEOs are women, and 38.1% of full-time workers are women female. A staggering 54.4% of employers took action on an identified pay gap.
Evidently, the WGEA’s findings suggest that there is still a clear pay gap, with women getting, on average, 15% less than their male counterparts and that men still dominate full-time and leadership roles within the workplace.
Some statistics are promising, however. For example, the number of female CEOs has increased by 18.3%. The report also stated that domestic violence within families has also seen a greater and more positive response.
Why does this matter?
Achieving gender equality and diversity is important for many reasons, not simply because it is fair and morally correct. In fact, positive gender equality and diversity in the workplace is also linked with a company’s overall economic performance.
The essential practice is evident in helping companies with productivity, worker satisfaction, and economic and organisational growth and furthering a business’s reputation and its means of attracting and sustaining talent within the workplace.
Undoubtedly, companies that foster a diverse and equal workplace subsequently create a diverse pool of talent, a sharp increase in productivity, and social cohesion that leads to job satisfaction.
As a result, it is of no surprise that this all leads to the ultimate goal of increased financial returns for an organisation.
Strategies to improve gender equality and diversity in the workplace
There are many ways that businesses and organisations can begin to improve on gender equality and diversity, and it begins with understanding the factors that cause this injustice.
Firstly, the implementation of revised recruitment methods is a start. The stereotypical expectations of men and women have existed in the past. It has resulted in a bias in the way companies recruit their workers - mostly meaning that women have to earn more qualifications and experience to get the same jobs as men.
As well as this, employers should also engage in regularly evaluating their pay scales and promotions to ensure the reduction of pay disparity and equal pay in terms of experience and roles - one that is not influenced or judged on gender.
Of course, gender equality and diversity within the workplace will not occur overnight. However, it must be said that there has certainly been an improvement in recent years, and with the right awareness and action taking place, gender bias will soon be a thing of the past.
Virtue talent www.VirtueTalent.com partners with engineering and construction organisations to recruit underrepresented groups in the workplace; contact us to find out how we can assist in achieving your equality, diversity and inclusion objectives.
Virtue talent www.VirtueTalent.com partners with engineering and construction organisations to recruit skill shortage and underrepresented groups in the workplace; contact us to find out how we can assist in achieving your employment objectives.
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